Hi, it’s been awhile forever since I posted, last Christmas to be exact. I’ll get into that later, but for now I wanted to pop on here and share our Christmas. Anyone that knows me knows Christmas is my jam. There was actually a line in our wedding vows written about it–it’s that serious. Haha. This year really took the cake (I say that every year, but seriously this one was SO good). Avery was into every single detail of celebrating the holidays, so my heart was definitely doing a little happy dance.
We kicked off our long holiday weekend with camping out under the tree and watching as many holiday movies as we could before we drifted to sleep. This has to be one of my most favorite memories from Christmas this year– watching Avery’s excitement is something I will never forget.
Every year on Christmas Eve Eve we have a margaritas, Mexican and a movie night. This has been a fun tradition to start. We are fully anticipating the traditional holiday dinners to follow in the next few days, so this is a nice way to mix it up, and it makes wrapping those last minute packages a little more fun!
On Christmas Eve morning I woke up and started sprucing up our fresh pine garlands in preparation for the big guy’s arrival ;). As I was finishing the table garland Avery squeezed my legs and said, “Thank you mama for making our house so beautiful.” I think my heart burst into a million pieces in that moment. My parents made the holidays so magical for me growing up, and I hope that my children will look back and feel the same.

We always travel to my mom’s house for a small Christmas Eve party then it’s back home to play Santa.
We came home to high winds and snow pouring down so you can imagine Doug’s excitement when he had to go on a 2am battery run to the one store open on Christmas Eve. We couldn’t have any sad children on Christmas morning, ya know ;). Next year I’ll check allll the toys, whoops!
Christmas morning left my heart feeling so incredibly full. Avery’s excitement, snow coming down, a fire burning, while one of my favorite movies, A Christmas Story, played in the background–these are the good old days, y’all.

Hope each and every one of you had a very Merry Christmas!
kidspajamas//velvetrecordplayer//microphone// Jackson’sactivitychair//myvelvetskirt//mycardigan// pillowsandthrows